Hi, I’m Allison.

Allison Anderson, LPC

I ’ve worked in the mental health field for almost 13 years and it is a huge passion of mine, both professionally and personally. Born and raised here in Texas, I had the childhood and upbringing that most people would envy. Amazing parents, two sisters, excelled in academics and sports, never went without. One would think that I had everything I needed to coast and live a life of ease. But in my early teens I developed an eating disorder, depression, and anxiety that almost took my life. I spent almost a decade hating myself, struggling to find my identity, damaging relationships, and self-destructing in the worst ways. I found myself at age 19 with a 1.37 GPA,  I had lost my basketball scholarship, had physical health problems, no close friends, and my family was at a loss on how to get their daughter back.

When I finally decided to go to treatment, to get a therapist, and to prioritize my mental well-being, my entire outlook on life, my future, and my self-worth changed. I knew in that exact moment that I wanted others who have struggled, known loss, and felt like they were in their darkest hour to experience the personal growth and change that I was experiencing. The change that is felt when we feel empowered to take control of our emotions and actions, to show ourselves grace when we make a mistake or aren’t whatever version of “perfect” we have in our head. The change that is felt when we decide to want better for ourselves instead of lingering in the depths of our struggles.

 No matter what your childhood was like, what choices you’ve made, or thoughts with which you struggle, you are worthy of wellness, love, and belonging.

Fast forward to present day and I am happy to share that I am 10 years in recovery, I obtained a bachelor’s in psychology and a Masters in Counseling, both from the University of North Texas (Go Mean Green!) and I’m currently a Licensed Professional Counselor. When I am not working with clients, I like to spend time with my three small kids, husband, and you can usually find us out in our big vegetable garden playing with our dogs and chickens. I live for Mexican food, live music, and house-flipping shows. I like to cook, but I’m not very good at it, I love to build furniture, and I’ve seen more movies and Netflix shows that I’d like to admit.

 I look forward to meeting you and being on this journey with you!



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